Friday, May 23, 2008


Holding your marriage as a calling and also a privilege will help you to appreciate the demands it places on you and help you to put in your best. the question is: why some women have little or no regard for their marriages? After all, marriage is honourable. No matter how highly placed a woman may be,not having a stable, loving husband,remains a minus for all she gets. Every other asset is secondary;your home, husband and children shall remain your lasting honour. And this explain why the most honourable place for a woman is her home. Raising her children in love with her husband playing the fatherly role, progressing in career and business, complementing each others effort, growing to reason alike and most times handling their differences with maturity, and outgrowing pettiness are some of the evidence of any marriage heading to success. why then is it difficult for women to enjoy their desired home? There are certain mindsets which will help a woman to hold, in high esteem,her own husband and marriage.If she does have such a mindset,she could lose it all. One of the secret fears of most women in marriage, which must be deal with very early in marriage is the tormenting thought of some body coming to share her husband with her; either as a mistress, girlfriend or as a wife. Nursing such thought calls for proper and concise attention. It is the weapon of the enemy to deprive you of joy and peace in your marriage. Never allow such thought to punish you, for this is why some women lack peace of mind in their home.Through there own lack of knowledge, they push themselves out of their homes or end up sharing their husband with other women because they allowed fear of insecurity to take over. And in fighting the fear, they miss it. The reality is that a well-built man, Even from a modest background, with a good job, or business and the prospect of a better future, shall attract women. In any society, it is the same story. It is not new and so shall it continue. There are hundreds of women who cannot define who their choice of husband is until they see another woman and her own choice of husband. That is why sisters date the same man or friends engage in the game of snatching. There are such stories around town. Also, there are "General Husband". They are out to marry any woman that appeals to them, as many as possible. No doubt, they are serving a purpose, but you propose also in your heart that your own husband,your choice,your soul mate and the father of your own children, cannot be counted among such husbands. Will you market the choice to be poor because the word of God says- the poor shall be among you? if you choose o be rich, then you can equally count yourself out of these women who prophet Isaiah described in Isaiah 4:1,saying " In that day, seven women will take hold of one man and say, we will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace." This is for some women who are under some curse; they have some sores on their heads, which until they come to knowledge of what redemption has provided for them and accept it, they remain under bondage. If only you can settle this destructive issue,then you can see a good husband. He has been divinely sent to be the saviour of your body in love. You will see him as the love of your life who shall not harm, hurt, jilt or abandon you in this journey of life.Let it be settled in your mind that your own husband shall not jump ship. That you are going to make and enjoy life together to the fullest is with the seal of heaven. That is your reality. Your own husband is a good and perfect gift from the God of light in whom there is no variables or turning shadow. Moreover, the gift of God in your life is without repentance. What evidence are you still waiting for? the mouth of God has said it and it is established. WHAT NEXT? i, You need to have the mind of a child with your husband. ii, Believe in him,be straight in your dealings with him. iii, Be committed to the success of your marriage. iv, Patiently study and understand him, with a teachable mindset. As you do these,heaven is opened on you for favour and honour.

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