Monday, June 9, 2008


Aside the deep rooted, tormenting and fear generating thought of sharing your husband with another woman/lady, there is yet another secret that causes most women/lady not to rate their marriages as the best. Unknown to most women, the responsibility of turning there lemon to lemonade is theirs. the world always has abundance of what is demanded of a woman. so, whatever you are not enjoying in your marriage is as a result of what you see or know. Many married women are not in the marriage of their choice either as a result of culture, tradition, religion, sometimes disappointment and ignorance. Whatever may have been the reason to have found yourself beside a man who is not your right or desired choice, you have to make do with what you have in grand style. Why? i, it could be a thing of joy and honour if God could use you to turn the captivity of your husband around. ii, You become a celebrity in your community. The success of your husband rubs on you and your children. iii, You enjoy dominion; unquestionable one for that matter. iv, you enjoy divine backing always. God takes delight in you for making yourself available as a vessel he used to transform your husband to your taste. NOTE: i, Whatever be the reason, learn to enjoy where you are. ii, Each time the devil wants to show you what is lacking in your marriage, tell him to shut up! Never allow him to oppress you as to depress you. Continue to thank God for life, in season after season. iii, You choose a model; constantly visualize your husband standing in your model's position. iv, Patiently co-operate with God to bring about your turn-around. God told Abraham: " As far as you can see, I will give unto thee." you are the seed of Abraham by faith,so, nothing good shall be denied you.Haggai and Ishmael were thrown out into the wilderness without enough provision,but,God met her at an hour of need and opened his treasury for her and rejected her son.Arab land explains the supremacy of God on our situation.It could look as if is happening or will happen.Joyfully persist;God is never late.But you must make God your source. Bathsheba entered David life in a shameful and abominable way,but she ended up the first celebrated mother of a king.Patience,Faith and total obedience to God will bring about your desired turn-around. I am sure of one thing:God is more than able;He is very ready.He has all it takes to restore whatever has been stolen from you as far as your joy in marriage is concerned.You should continue to show love to your husband and his people.Sometimes,it may look as if they are not noticing;when the time comes,they will have no choice than to celebrate you.I pray the joy of marriage shall not elude you. prayerfully work at making your marriage the best in the shall be celebrated for it.

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